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Hand and Foot Care

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Manicure & Pedicure Treatment's

 Express Manicure  £15:00

 In a rush, but still need a quick file and polish is for you.

  Manicure  £25:00

 Relaxing manicure with cuticle work, file, polish & hand massage.

 Pamper Manicure £28:00 

 Gentle exfoliation hand polishing with moisture mask, file, polish & serum spray.

 Express pedicure £20:00

 Quick, effective and oh-so relaxing with file and polish.

 Pedicure £30:00

 Full pedicure includes scrub, cuticles, cut, file, polish application & foot massage. 

 Elim Mediheel Pedicure £35:00

Elim is a medical grade pedicure treatment which uses state-of-the-art ingredients to remove hard  skin and calluses from the feet. The Callus Softening Tonic is an alkaline peel and not an acid peel, which makes it more effective to remove the dead, hard skin under your feet.


Gel Manicure & Pedicure

high shine, long lasting gel polish that will last up to 3 weeks

 Gel Manicure £29.50

  Relaxing manicure includes cuticles, cut, file, gel application & hand massage.

 Gel Clinicare manicure £35:00

 Relaxing manicure with Instant painless Peel to remove dead skin cells to reveal brighter skin.

 Gel Pedicure £38:00

Relaxing pedicure includes scrub, cuticles, cut, file, gel application & foot massage. 

There is a £5 extra charge to remove any gel before treatment due to the extra time that this will take.

 Elim Mediheel Gel Pedicure  £40:00

 Elim is a medical grade pedicure treatment which uses state-of-the-art ingredients to remove hard  skin and calluses from the feet. The Callus Softening Tonic is an alkaline peel and not an acid peel, which makes it more effective to remove the dead, hard skin under your feet.


 Elim Heel Peel  £20.00 

 The callus tonic peel replaces the blade and file.This is keratolytic  solution breaks the protein bonds of the epidermis of the skin removing dead skin cells, ideal for very dry skin and cracked heels.


 Gel Toes £25:00 cut, file & polish

 Gel Removal £15:00 


  Unfortunately we don't offer nail art & we only remove gels that have been applied by Emmeline's Beauty Therapy.

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